


年头上整个寒假几乎都待在寝室里奋图形学的课程设计,那段日子很累,很充实,也很温暖。4,5个人买点半成品回来炒菜下面吃火锅煮饺子的日子不知道还有没有了。然后接着就是开学数据库的课程设计、接触Desigh Pattern、SCWCD的认证考试、最后一次像样的期末考、最后一次奋通宵、思考要不要考研、混过暑假实习、开学、开始job hunting、处女面拿到ibm的面试、处女群硕的offer、东华的招聘会、trilogy offer、联合杯输给团委老师、第一次通宵为了外国人的节、第一次切身体会什么叫女人是感性动物。











ps. momo,密码不会给你的~ O_o






ps. blogcn的系统真烂

Vampire 2















收到了offer,领了三方协议,突然发现似乎生活没有动力了,课程设计也不想做,准备抄抄改改了事,今天的ebao的笔试也没去,躲在615看了一天的电影动画(ps. 冥王篇又开始了-o-)。开学的时候就开始为了offer奔波,经历了兴奋,失望,反省,悔恨,绝望,振作,等等的过程,某天突然收到了一份真正可以签的offer的时候,突然发现自己没有目标了。

讲到trilogy,不知怎么的,怎么好像每个见到我的人都知道我的offer了。。。一个好久没见面的人网上见面居然称呼我Mr 14w。。。唉。。。

钱多就好吗?我问过自己看重trilogy什么。当时在offer dinner之前我真的一点也不知道trilogy给多少钱,也一直没问过师兄,就是面试的时候更emily jj闲聊时了解到trilogy的历史和目前在华的发展情况以及未来,当时我就决定能拿到offer就去了。吸引我的是它的发展空间。几年内从28个人到400个人的发展空间。这是多少薪水也买不来的。还是那句话,30岁之前不为了钱而挑工作。



4个女生进了4大,还每人一家(商业机密咋办。。。);想出国的拿到了大学的offer,天天吃请的豆子也被我塞到GE实习去了(这个世界清净了……),昨天trilogy的offer letter也寄来了,居然是pdf的文本。。。果然是IT公司啊。。。理论上h2s同学应该也卖身了,按照这个进度基本上明年5月份的时候可以组织一次大规模的返校活动了。。嘿嘿,高中历史上最牛的班级衣锦还乡啦~



Trilogy Offer

一大早被Emily的电话打醒,虽然昨晚跟那个印度大牛面试的时候觉得很顺(ps. 昨天看到他mm,老在电视里看到的印度mm哦),但是收到hr的电话,尤其是pphr的电话,特别还是给offer的pphr的电话实在是爽啊。。。。。
好了好了,再说下去我要被pk了,开始面经 O_o
ps. 依然不能泄漏题目,只谈方向和感想~

当时笔试题感觉题目挺难的,第二题一开始就放弃了,最后10分钟写了个最通用的遍历算法,自己看着都恶心。。。(ps. 当时bbs上盛传hrjj很pp,考试的时候埋头做题没注意。。。)出来之后去听辩论赛结果,险胜。晚上和mic和hacking在debate版jjww,当时也就觉得重在参与,好坏是doors师兄强荐的单位,笔了再说。

进门看见师兄无数(看上去都是研究生),mm一个,然后从我后面传来了传说中的pphrjj的声音。。。残念3rd。。。等了无数长时间,跟jj八卦doors师兄(惊闻他们是一个办公室的)然后被一个美国人带出房间,一路上聊了一些简历上的东西,再次体会了该宾馆的结构匪夷后到达他的房间。坐下开始做题,内容为***********************,很快想出一个解法,pass,然后开始要我make it more effcient,然后抓耳挠腮,面红耳赤,无数郁闷。。。
挤牙膏一样的挤出一个算法后(建议:一定要和面试官交流,告诉他你的每一个想法,他会给你提示和建议的,千万不要埋头写,这样其实他会很不爽),老美很nice的问我还有没有问题,我就问他我挤出来的算法是不是最优解,然后我们又坐下开始侃。。。(让我无比后悔的问题。。简直是自己嘲笑自己的口语。。。)最后给了张他的名片说要是我想出更好的算法可以给他写email。(物品:名片 得到)得知大牛叫Rohit Namjoshi。
回jj的房间,被告知明天来二面,当时我就一愣。。。然后say goodbye to Rohit,然后他居然说not goodbye,it's see u tomorrow。。。

在那里看到一个se的bb,一个信安的bb(mm)还有一个ss,然后带我实习批我.net作业的ssgg面试完了进来,然后被jj告知回家等电话or email。我跟了句prefer电话。。。开始再一次的无数长等待,跟jj乱侃,得知2号晚上和3号早上共发了6个offer,一个复旦,一个华师mm,剩下都是交大。当时就开始算计,一共招40个人,浙大招了8个,然后又发了6个,还剩26个。。。嗯嗯,数分没白学,算的真清楚。。。。。。。。。。
面试的人碌碌续续的回来,房间里开始充满E文,由于我要等另一个出去吃饭的面试官(ps. trilogy的规则是两轮面试由两个面试官面,好像是一个印度的一个美国的(又ps. 印度口音的E文很有特点。。。),如果第一个就out了你,你就gg了,要是两个面试官的意见不一致,那么就需要三面(又ps. 那个se的bb就是今天被拉来三面的))。最后,当他们开始布置生日蛋糕的时候,偶的面试官终于出现了。。。oh,my god。。。他真高。。。绝对190+,无比瘦,那身材。。。残念6th。。。
到了他的房间后他开门进里屋和他mm开印度语。。。偶瞄了一眼。。。电视上常看见,今天算是看见活的了。。。然后坐下,和上次一样,给张纸,出个题,内容为*********************,这次还好,没有效率问题,解的出就是解的出,不行就是gg。。。一上来思路错了,还好跟面试官交流算法的时候他就说不对,赶紧换方向(一定要交流啊!!!)。最后很顺的做完,面试官看上去挺满意,跟我说了另一种解法。虚心受教。。。继续bs自己E文。。。(ps. 我个人觉得他很high的原因是我是最后一个,又做的挺快,然后他好早点去和他mm #¥%……※×)回到jj的房间发现不在。。。oh。。。我的伞还在里面。。。残念7th。。。





Answers to Open Questions

Here is my answers to the open questions I have met up to now.

1. Please give an example of a time when you developed a new or different solution to a problem. Why did you think the problem needed a new solution? How did you develop the new solution? What feedback did you receive on how it is working? Please give your answer in English. Thank you.(No more than 300 words.)

In Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), there are some students, whom we call agencies, selling almost everything we students need as part-time job. But, science they always do their business individually, they can't make themselves be trusted by both the students to whom they sell things and the shops from where they buy the things.
So, I, with some friends’ help, made a plan which suggested the College Part-time Job Department building a platform to make the agencies a union, like eBay. In that way, we can make a filter to prove the quality of the agencies joining the platform to make us trusted by the consumers, and as a union, we can talk to the shops much stronger with a big number of consumers in hand to get lower price which can make the consumers trust us more. When the little snowball grows big enough, we can serve the students both the low price and a lot of job positions to get practice and earn some money.
Now, the platform I mentioned, thanks to a lot of friends’ and teachers’ hard work, has been built. We named it www.toogo.cn and I am in charge of the planning department. We started the project in June and it was growing very fast in these four months, and 20 agencies have joined the platform. I believe it will be e-business center of SJTU in a year or two.

2. Please give an example of a career goal that you set yourself. How did you choose the goal that you were aiming towards? What did you do to achieve the goal? How did you feel about working towards the goal? Please give your answer in English. Thank you.(No more than 300 words.)

One career goal of mine is to be a System Architect. Science I major in computer science, I have a lot of classes about programming and software engineering in my list. When I was in my first semester of sophomore, I started to learn Java, and in order to learn it better I read a book named “Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture” from which I know what the best programmers do, not coding but designing. And science then, to be a System Architect became my goal.
Before I did anything to work towards my goal, I made a plan. Knowing that a System Architect must be an excellent programmer first, I decided to start from the bottom. I took part in the lessons held by Sun Certification & Education Service, learned hard and got the certification of Sun Certified Java Programmer. During the lessons, I was told something about J2EE, where the System Architect servers best. So I changed my plan. Instead of doing some real projects I continued my lessons and became a Sun Certified Web Component Developer. After that, I thought it was right time to have a practice. After seeking day and night for about two months, I became a team-member to build a library management system for a middle school in Shanghai and a volunteer in Shanghai Grid Computing Center to help building their portal.
There are still an amount of things to do on my plan, but I think no matter whether I can achieve my goal or not, I have learned something important from the process, making a plan at first, changing the plan when really needed and executing the plan with full power.

3. Sometimes it is difficult to keep the commitments we make to others. Describe a situation where this happened to you. Why was it difficult? How did you decide what to do? What was the impact of this decision? Please give your answer in English. Thank you.(No more than 300 words.)
This August, we, toogo.cn, decided to make a guide for the all the freshmen, which we named “Start Point”, not only to help them learn more about the campus but also to introduce ourselves to them, and I was in charge of planning the whole project. Considering of the unavailable cost of printing about 7000 copies which has 32 pages each, I decided to sell some pages to the shops around the campus for advertisement. We managed to catch the shop owners’ heart by promised them we could make sure that every freshman would have one copy of our guide and their shops could be known by every freshman at the very time they just entering the campus. Two week later, we got together with 24 agreements in hand and ¥12000 in pocket. Then I handed the project over to the executing team.
The project seemed working smoothly until the day after the delivery day. I was surprised to find that because of the confusing organization of the freshmen, the executing team failed to send out all copies, and about 1/4 freshmen didn’t get the guide.
I decided to keep the commitments. I gathered all the members and all of us went to the dormitories of the freshmen with the left copies. We asked every freshman we met to make sure he or she had a copy. With two night hard working, we sent out all the 7000 copies. Then we dropped in every shop which had bought our pages to explain the situation and ask for their forgiveness.
After this project, we successfully built our faithful image, which helps a lot in future, in both the freshmen and the shops around the campus.

4. Please describe an occasion when you received some feedback? What was the feedback and what was your reaction? Which book impressed you most and why? Which world leader inspired you most and why? Please give your answer in English. Thank you.(No more than 300 words.)
Two weeks after project of the guide for the freshmen I mentioned in the answer of the 3rd question finished, I planned an investigation to get the feedback of the project. We inquired hundreds freshmen about their feeling and advices of the guide. The feedback we got told us that the guide had impressed them and really did some help for them to adapt the campus. But, about 1/3 freshmen said the paper we used to print the guide was too flimsy and the information of the shops around the campus was quite not enough. I understood that the freshmen were eager to know about the shops and I should have sold more pages and got more money to buy better paper. So I started another project to get the information of the shops and put it on our website. In one week, I was told the click number of the information pages was about 1/3 of the total, and we got about ¥6000 income.
The Man Who Changed China written by Robert Lawrence Kuhn is the book which impressed me most. This book tries to counter the Western perception of Jiang Zemin as a dictator of Communist China and emphasizes instead how far Chinese leadership has come since the days of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping. It changes my viewpoint of leadership and the way to become a chief leader.
Deng Xiaoping is the world leader inspired me most. He realized the importance of developing in the years full of political movements, and successfully made the 1/5 population of the world focus on developing instead of polity. And his spirit of persisting in his work after being up and down for three times inspire me as well.

5. Suppose you have already joined our company, and your supervisor asks you to do many tasks, which are not possible to accomplish before the deadline, how would you handle this situation? (Limit: 400 characters)
I will have a talk with my supervisor fist. Tell him the situation and ask him to give some advices. If it doesn't work, I will turn to my colleagues for help. Inquire about how to work on the tasks more efficient and, if possible, ask them to give me a hand. Then it’s time to fight. I believe that it is attitude that determines everything and impossible is nothing. I will try my best to accomplish the tasks. On the other hand, if I failed at last, I will tell my supervisor what I have done and try to get his understanding.

Open Question

Today, I answered 4 more open question... limited to 400 characters each.... CHARACTERS not WORDS!!!!
How can I describe a complex situation, a confict with others and the result in just no more than 80 words!!!!!!! God Damned it.
Up to now, I have mailed my resume to about 20 company, no feedback, no telphone, no rejection. I don't know I should be happy of not being rejected or be sad of not be interviewed.
Let's just wait and see.
Browsing the 51job.com and the chinaHR.com, I can't find any more company attracts me. Do I value myself too high? Shall I readjust? I don't know.... really don't know.
HSBC's IT deparment asking for a 5 inch photo mailed with the table and I found that I had not been in any photo for about 3 years. My last photo was taken when I was a freshman. What a living I had in the next 3 years? Maybe only the God can tell me.


My Career Blog

This is my new blog. It will focus on recording everything happened, heppening or will happened on my way to find my career goal and to achieve it.
Dr Li from google.com came to SJTU yesterday and I listened his lecture. He introduced us a new way to work in a company, a google way. Every one in google can have 20% free time to do every project he wanna to do, no limit, no demand. That impressed me most. Somthing most terrible to a developer may be the project he is developing is not the one he is interested in, but, in order to survive in the company, he has no choice but to do it. The 20% free time rule can avoid such thing happen. It can helps to keep the developer always doing something they love to do, and doing the things which they don't like to do with pleasure.
What a good idea! What a good way to motivate the employee's emotion to try new project all the time.